CEP Sevilla - Course in Sevilla Este at CP Maestro José Fuente - "CLIL and TIC for French Classes" - December 2008
CEP Manacor, CEP Inca (Palma de Mallorca) - "English for Preschool" (Storytelling, Songs, Assessment, Games) - November 2008
SERBIA - "Storytelling", "Classroom Management", "Assessment" - October 2008
CEP Sevilla - "ICT and CLIL for Young Learners" - October 2008
CPR Oviedo - Regional Seminar on Bilingual Education - "CLIL in 1st cycle" "CLIL in 1st ESO" - September 2008
SERBIA - "Discovering Grammar", "Developing Reading and Listening", "Integrated Skills" - August 2008
TURKEY (Istanbul, Ankara) "An Incredible English Year" - August 2008
SAFA SUMMER SCHOOL (Ubeda) 30 hour course for infant and primary school teachers - July 2008
CPR Palma de Mallorca - Regional Seminar on Bilingual Education - "Classroom Language and Management for CLIL", "ICT and Audio visual material for CLIL", "Games and Pairwork for CLIL" - June 2008
SWITZERLAND (Aarau) - "Meeting Our Needs Using Project" - June 2008
CICA (Gijon) - "Canada - The Great Unknown" - May 2008
CPR Oviedo - Regional Seminar on Bilingual Education - "Practial Activities for CLIL", "Fun and Games in CLIL" - May 2008
OUP Spain - Galicia (Santiago, Ourense) - "Making the Most of Stories" - April 2008
HOLLAND - Utrecht - "Hand in Hand: ICT and ELT", "Getting them Going with Grammar Games" - OUP - April 2008
OUP Spain - Madrid - "Surprisingly Easy Cross-Curricular Activities" - April 2008
HUNGARY (Visegrad; Veszprem) - "Catching Up on Canadian Culture" - April 2008 (in conjunction with IATEFL Hungary, The Canadian Embassy and the University of Veszprem)
RUSSIA (Voroneh, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Astrahan) -"Ready to Read", "Trouble with Teens?", "Exam Success" - OUP/Reload - March 2008
SLOVENIA (Maribor; Bled) -"Great Minds DON'T Think Alike" (Differentiated Instruction in Secondary) - OUP - March 2008
CEP Castilleja de la Cuesta - "CLIL in Secondary" (January - February 2008) (team taught with Robert Quinn)
CEP Sevilla - "The Cat's got Their Tongue: Oral Communication in Bachillerato" (January - February 2008)
VISIT: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nina/571448676207424
Holds a B.A. in Humanities from Bishop’s University, Canada. She has been teaching at all levels since 1990 and for the past eleven years has been involved in educational consulting and teacher training. She has given workshops all over Spain and has collaborated with the British Council, Bell International and the Ministry of Education on professional development programmes. She has also led teacher training workshops in Croatia, Turkey, Serbia, Russia, Romania, Tunis, Slovenia, Holland, Hungary, Egypt, Brazil, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Yemen, Senegal, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates and Poland.
She is a materials writer for ELT and CLIL books and has published several articles. She is the author of JET: Projects Across the Curriculum (Mary Glasgow Magazines, 2006) and co-author of Explorers (OUP 2010), Pandy the Panda (ELI 2009) and Dancing English (Espasa 2010).
She currently works as a freelance author, teacher trainer and educational consultant.
CONTACT: ninatrabajo@yahoo.es