Many thanks to Edelvives and to Antonio Mendoza at CEIP Antonio Garvayo Dinelli for organising this event...and thanks to the teachers at the session for their active participation!
Book filled with activities to go along with songs written by Dani Griffin. 15 songs with lyrics and full colour illustrations, activities for before, during and after the song (written by Dani and I). For more information click here.
The kindergarten series I wrote with Magaly Villaroel is now out on the market :) Young learners are introduced to English through the adventures of Pandy and his friends in their playhouse. The series includes class books, workbooks, a full colour teacher's book and loads of attractive resources! There are storycards with stories that teach children important values such as respecting others or being kind to animals. For more information: PANDY THE PANDA
Great to be back in beautiful Brazil! OTA courses in Fortaleza, Goiania, Brasilia and Rio. With World Cup excitement on top of everything else :) Some useful links: Brain Breaks Making a Kill (documentary re: kids with ADD and the meds they are given...thanks Marco!) Can Language Shape How we Think? (thank Henrick and Marco!)
Wonderful couple of days attending a course by Andrew Mallett on Presentation Skills :) Great working with Ken, Sarah, Helen, Joanna, Cath and Naomi :) ...and loved seeing friends...and exploring Oxford bit more!
Great OTA course with Slovenian teachers and a big 'Hvala' to Suzana for all her help :) HUGE hassle to get back to Spain (night trains, 18 hour bus rides, queues and chaos) but it was an adventure :)
OUP have just published some very interesting non-fiction readers for CLIL classes (or as extra reading for English class). The books come with incredible photos, an audio CD and fantastic activity pages. To get copies, contact local OUP reps (Read and Discover series) or look for titles on amazon. My good friend, Robert Quinn wrote some of them :)
Holds a B.A. in Humanities from Bishop’s University, Canada. She has been teaching at all levels since 1990 and for the past eleven years has been involved in educational consulting and teacher training. She has given workshops all over Spain and has collaborated with the British Council, Bell International and the Ministry of Education on professional development programmes. She has also led teacher training workshops in Croatia, Turkey, Serbia, Russia, Romania, Tunis, Slovenia, Holland, Hungary, Egypt, Brazil, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Yemen, Senegal, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates and Poland.
She is a materials writer for ELT and CLIL books and has published several articles. She is the author of JET: Projects Across the Curriculum (Mary Glasgow Magazines, 2006) and co-author of Explorers (OUP 2010), Pandy the Panda (ELI 2009) and Dancing English (Espasa 2010).
She currently works as a freelance author, teacher trainer and educational consultant.